Direct Selling Industry

My Story
My experience in Direct Selling has helped me through the years with both Direct Sales companies and with retail/e-commerce companies. I’m so grateful I started with the Direct Sales industry because I learned that the way someone is treated directly impacts their trust in someone & in a company.
Distributors are a volunteer workforce. They can and will leave at any time based on the experience that you create for them. So whether it’s the customer support, their upline, the company product quality, or return policy, Distributors are essentially volunteers and they need to be treated with empathy, kindness, appreciation, recognition, and they need to be given fantastic resources (training).
There are many nuances about Direct Sales that a company and all of their employees need to know in order to have Distributor Happiness as well as Customer Happiness.
I have experience on both the corporate end of the industry as well as the Distributor and Leader part of the industry.
On the Distributor side, I have built large teams, been at the top, enjoyed free luxurious vacations and huge bonuses. I’ve also been at the bottom, felt forgotten, and frustrated in the product, the communication, the management, all of that.
On the Corporate side, I have worked directly with customers and distributors in Support, Billing, Returns, Quickstart programs, and in charge of Recognition and support for the highest level Distributors. I know how to build relationships and mend lost trust from the company. I understand how important the culture of a company is from the top-down.
Consulting is my very favorite role in all of this. Based on my experience and wearing so many different hats, I understand what a company needs and I know where to look to find where they can improve. I know how to scale teams for quick rapid growth, as well as reduce where necessary.
If you’re interested in a free 30-minute consultation, I’m happy to answer your questions and explore how I can benefit your company. Click here to sign up for a discovery call.
If you’re looking for a training exclusively on the Direct Selling Industry, written by Dan Jensen, click here. We have an Executive Training as well as a simplified version for the Support Team to help them understand more about the industry without overwhelming them with all the executive details.